The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business Paperback by Josh Kaufman on at Rs 897

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The Personal MBA Master the Art of Business Paperback by Josh Kaufman on at Rs 897


Gone are those days when business studies, or getting our heads around business and how exactly it runs, were just a field which had to be comprehended by ambitious, aspiring business students ans entrepreneurs.

Now is the time when every individual must wrap their heads around the intricate details, strategies, principles, theories, ideologies, that forms a successful business.

It so happens that business has eventually turned out to be a perfect amalgamation of both science and art.

Every nuance regarding prospective clients,customers, and how to sustain business, how to achieve the zenith of business, that is establishing monopoly in any sphere of work, and the list goes on.

But a spare bit of information you’d want to know is crammed into one book.

Get a hold over them. It’s important.


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